July 26, 2012


Setelat diliat-liat, dibaca-baca, dan diamati, ternyata beberapa postingan di blog gw agak2 alay. Wkwkwk. Maklum, being twenty something is hard... (apa hubungannya-___-") *widyakilaz*

July 20, 2012

"Happy Birthday, My Prince." (July, 17th 2012)

"Happy birthday, My Prince. I will always love you, my dear Sleepyhead."
...my birthday boy...kue yang cuma bisa diliat di layar kaca, hiks...

July 7, 2012

Al Azhar: First Three Days

Last Thursday I started working in my new school. Actually, the new term is about to start on Monday (9/7) but we have to decorate all classes before it. That's why these three days--what I mean by three days are thursday, friday, and saturday--we decorated the class with many instruments, like Huruf Hijaiyah, The Angels of Allah, The Characters of Allah, Our Birthday, My Reward, My Information, Bulan Hijriyah, Bulan Masehi, Islamic Year, Name Tag (for locker), and so on. All have to be done by Monday. Luckily, I will teach the second grader (who start study on Tuesday) so I still have one more day to finish them all.

Well, I just arrived from Lubang Buaya to have Pak Udin The Tailor sew my uniforms. Today is so exhausting. I went to school to continue decorating at 8 am to 1 pm, then I went to Cibubur Junction to buy a pair of shoes and had lunch, and finally to Pak Udin's place after eating dinner at Pondok Gede with Dinta (my cousin).

Back to the three first days in school. So far I feel fine being here. Peoples here are nice (so far). What is hard is just the workload. But I'm sure that I can do it! :-) Okay, this job takes my time very much. Maybe you think that I just teach elementary school, but you have no idea how much work that you have to do. Wkwkwk. Very tired, but I love it. I love teaching. And this causes some differences in my life, one of them is that I can't spend my time being with my boyfriend. I'm sorry, my prince. *widyakilaz*

July 4, 2012

Prepare for Tomorrow: 1st Day

Today, I'm informed that I've passed the test to teach in SD Al Azhar 20 Cibubur. I am still a teacher assistant, but I think this is a good place to start my career after SMAN 48 Jakarta. Actually I have no experience in teaching elementary students, but I'll accept the challenge. I hope this is a right decision.

Before this, actually I have been accepted in SMK Bina Citra Asia--a new little school in Kramat Jati. But I think I have to make a choice. Life is always full of choice, right? And there is often something to sacrifice. *widyakilaz*

July 1, 2012

Being Unemployed, Holiday Everyday

Hey, buddies! Pasti udah kangen ya liat postingan gw. Wkwkwk. Pede parah. Siapa juga yang mau baca blog yang isinya curhatan doang. Well, gw mau curhat lagi nih. Kali ini tentang semua yang gw alamin belakangan ini.

Firstly, I wanna tell you about my career. Udah sebulan ini gw jadi pengangguran, hehehe. Tadinya gw ngajar di SMAN 48 Jakarta, sebagai invaler. Gw gantiin guru yang cuti. Dapet 5 bulan di sana. Gw ngerasa enjoy ngajar di sana karena murid-muridnya, baik kelas XII maupun XI. Tadinya sih mau lanjut karena ada guru yang mau pensiun. Tapi apa daya, ada guru PNS dari sekolah lain yang pindah ke situ. Jadilah gw kegusur. Tapi di sana nggak sia-sia juga kok, karena gw jadi belajar kalo ternyata dunia kerja itu kejam, nggak semua rekan kerja itu baik. Pelajaran yang berharga. And here I am, a happy unemployed person. Tapi gw bersyukur. Selama jadi pengangguran, gw selalu dapet job translet. Jadi gw nggak bokek-bokek banget. Buat jajan dan jalan-jalan sih masih bisalah.

Me and XI IPA 2, SMAN 48 Jakarta
Dua minggu yang lalu, gw sama GM dan Chae, sahabat gw sejak SMA, jalan-jalan ke Lampung. Kita pergi ke Pulau Sebesi, Pulau Sebuku Kecil, Pulau Umang-Umang, Lagoon Cabe, dan Gunung Anak Krakatau sama rombongan Learn Indonesia, orang-orang yang sama sekali belum gw kenal. . Seruuuu....banget. This is my first experience of snorkeling. Norak ya. Hehe. Seneng, soalnya gw ketemu orang-orang baru dalam hidup gw. I like having some friends that my other friends do not know. It's like being outside the zone.
Kiri-Kanan: Gw, Mba Rany, Mba Lina, Chae, GM @ Anak Gunung Krakatau
Dan akhirnya, udaku pulang. Akhirnya, setelah hampir 6 bulan, setelah halangan2 yang terjadi belakangan ini, Udaku pulang juga. Kangeeennn.....banget. Kemaren langsung gw peluk, peluk, masih peluk, peluk lagi, peluk terus, peluk, dan peluk. Hehehe. Pokoknya nggak mau ngelepasin deh. really miss him so much. Udaku cuma pulang sebentar, hari selasa udah balik lagi ke Surabaya. Mudah2an semua urusan dia di sana lancar. Semoga cepet lulus, cepet kerja, cepet bisa mewujudkan cita2 kita. Amin.

Happy 19th-month anniversary, my prince. I hope you're the one and I'm the one. (30-06-12)

My Birthday

Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers

Me and My Boyfriend

Daisypath Anniversary tickers