June 23, 2022

Poor Moms Called Uncivilized

Hi, there! It's still early in the morning but something comes up in my head and it kinds of disturbing me so I have to let it out. It's actually just a comment, but everytime I saw things related to it, I think about it. 

Several days ago, my husband woke up late and missed his bus to work. He decided to take the train. At that time, I scrolled down my instagram feeds and story and found my friend was online showing the situation in the train station which was crowded. 

I dm-ed her, being curious whether she knew the common situation in the station where my husband took the train. She didn't know but she said something I have been thinking until now. 

"The train in the weekdays are crowded, but it's still okay. Workers are civilized. It's different with the weekends where there are a lot of moms or peoples from nowhere taking their children to go around or to go shopping. They're sometimes unmannered, pushing and elbowing other passengers."

Well, as a mom who sometimes take my children to try public transportation like train and bus, I feel annoyed hearing that kind of comment although it can be true. Not 100% true but some people (not only moms, yet people in general) are uncivilized like that. What is true is I am 100% civilized. Hahahaha. Just kidding. But I definitely know how to act in public transportation. 

I'm not mad with my friend, I just want to make it clear that I'm not like that. So please don't say things like that. You may hurt someone's heart or maybe make somebody mind stuck with it, just like me. Hehehe.

Alright then, I think my heart is light now that I write about this. See you! 🤗 #wdykls

June 16, 2022

Hey, I'm Back!

Oh my God, finally I can log into this account! I tried so many times. I just couldn't remember what it was . Yet here I am. Finally I can get in. I kinda feel like getting back writing, but I dont know if I can do it regularly. 

Well, life has changed. A lot. I am a wife now, a mother too, of two sons to be exact. I'm a full housewife, no longer working. I am living a simple life now. Nothing big, nothing wow, but I'm so happy. We're so happy. 

If you notice, my husband is the boyfriend I always mention in this blog. We've been together for almost 12 years, and been married for about 7 years. I hope we last forever til death tear us apart, and meet again in Jannah. Ameen.

Speaking of living a simple life, it's funny how life changes me. I'm so grateful that my husband has a good job in aviation. He's in a good position too.

I've been with him since he was not as good as now. At that time everything was so limited. To make it worked, I learned to cook, to clean, to do everything that could help the house run normally. We barely buy clothes, shoes, and everything we think we didnt need to buy. And the habits are still done until now, when the thing gets better and better. Hehe. It's a good thing though. That's how we appreciate the money, and everything we have.

By the way, it's already late at night. I have to get my kids to bed. It's nice to go back. See you soon. ❤ #wdykls

December 25, 2014

Ready for the New Chapter of My Life

Well, hello everyone... Udah lama banget kayaknya kita ga ketemu. Rutinitas update blog kayaknya udah ga bisa jadi selingan rutin kayak jaman dahulu kala. Tapi berhubung sebentar lagi Tahun Baru dan banyak banget perubahan di hidup gw setahun belakangan ini, gw jadi pengen nulis lagi. Now I'm confused where to begin...

First of all, gw udah jadi pegawai tetap di tempat kerja gw. Setelah melewati beberapa tes, lulus jadi calon pegawai, nunggu satu setengah tahun buat panggilan berikutnya, tes lagi, lulus lagi, keluar SK pegawai tetap, ternyata salah golongan, tes lagi buat ngebetulin golongan, dan keluar SK lagi (SK yang bener tentunya), gw akhirnya lulus dan mendapatkan hak gw sepenuhnya. Dan yang paling penting sih, gaji gw naik. Wkwkwk. Alhamdulillah.

Nah, selanjutnya kehidupan percintaan gw nih. Yang paling bikin hidup gw berwarna, emosi kayak roller coaster, kadang seneng banget dan kadang sedih banget. Tapi bener loh. Percintaan itu ga bisa selalu happy. Pasti tetep ada galau, sedih, bete, berantem, kesel, dll. Cuma yang penting gimana kita bikin keadaan yang kesel-keselan itu akhirnya jadi baik lagi. Soalnya kalo hal kayak gini kita ga boleh mikirin perasaan kita doang sih, ada dua orang yang mencoba jadi satu. Beda fisik, beda mental, beda pemikiran, beda kebiasaan, beda kekuatan, tapi "nekat" mau jadi satu. Apalagi yang bisa bikin nekat kalo bukan sayang

Ngomong-ngomong tentang "perubahan hidup" dan "dua orang yang mencoba menjadi satu", finally something amazing and maybe dreamed by all the girls in the world happened to me. What is that? Eng ing enggggg..... *drumroll*

Our Engagement (2014)
He asked my father permission to marry me!!! Sesuatu yang selalu gw impikan sejak kecil. Dilamar. What a weird dream. Tapi beneran, mungkin karena dari kecil gw kebanyakan nonton film yang dreamy2 kali ya, kayak Cinderella, Snow White, Anastasia, dan film disney lain yang ada pangeran sama putrinya. Gw jadi suka ngebayangin deh, kayak apa nantinya prince gw. Gimana cara datengnya, apa rasanya, gimana prosesnya. Eh? Proses apaan dulu nih? Wkwkwk. Dulu mungkin gw cuma mimpi dilamar, but since it was him, my dream came true perfectly. Mungkin nanti di salah satu bulan di tahun 2015 gw bakal udah ga jadi Miss lagi. Bulannya masih rahasia, jadi ga usah penasaranya. Hehehe. Jalanin aja aktivitas kayak biasanya, nanti juga tau-tau undangannya dateng. Biarpun masih lama, yang pasti gw seneng, karena ternyata dia punya mimpi yang sama kayak gw, dan semoga sampe seterusnya kita terus punya mimpi yang sama dan saling ngedukung mimpi itu. Amin. Thanks for choosing me, My Prince.

Rasanya pengen nge-review resolusi tahun 2014 gw deh. Tapi gw lupa, did I make it? Gw cek dulu ya. *beberapa saat kemudian* Tuhkan bener. Gw ga buat ternyata. Gw pengen coba flashback kegiatan gw selama 1 tahun kemarin tapi semakin diinget2 semakin lupa apa aja yang pernah gw lakuin. Mungkin untuk selanjutnya salah satu resolusi gw adalah lebih rajin update blog atau bikin video blog sekalian. Ya udah daripada kesel, gw mau nyoba buat resolusi tahun 2015. Cliche activity, but good buat tau hal-hal yang udah kita capai.

  1. travelling/backpacking ke 5 tempat yang belom pernah gw kunjungin
  2. punya bisnis sampingan di bidang kuliner, harus udah mulai dijalanin jangan rencana doang
  3. belajar masak masakan padang, minimal harus bisa bikin 2 jenis masakan
  4. beli kacamata baru di tempat yang bagus, biayanya dirembes aja dari duit kesehatan, wkwk
  5. daftar BPJS, ga jadi2 mau daftar, jaminan kesehatan itu penting
  6. tertib sarapan milkshake, jangan ngelirik2 bubur ayam (tapi seminggu sekali boleh bebas hehehe)
  7. rutin olahraga 2 minggu sekali (minimal jalan kaki, biar sehat dan ganti lemak jadi otot biar lebih sexy)
  8. be someone's wife, hehe, cant wait to be yours My Prince
  9. duit tarikan arisan ama bocah2 & ibu2 ga boleh dipake, harus ditabung (oke sip!)
  10. traktir makan keluarga di restoran yang oke pas gw ulang tahun ke-26
  11. khatam Al Qur'an (minimal sekali, malu sama semua yang udah dikasih sama Yang Di Atas)
  12. resolusi selanjutnya menyusul
Oke deh, i think it's time for me to leave. Belom kepikiran apa lagi yang mau dicapai. I'm starving. Udah dulu ya. Bye everyone. XOXO. -Kinan

January 31, 2014

Harus menulis apa. Harus mulai darimana. Gelap. Tidak bisa keluar. Tidak bisa sembunyi. Pengap. Cuma berteriak dalam diam. Dan meleleh kemudian. Meleleh sampai kering.

December 19, 2013

Kali Ini Ga Pake Judul Dah

Wow, udah lama banget ya kayaknya gw ga update blog. Setiap terakhir nulis pasti niat gw adalah kembali aktif menulis, apapun itu tulisannya. Tapi kayaknya sekarang gw ga mau janji2 palsu lagi. Nyatanya, gw kurang bisa membagi waktu terhadap hobi ngeblog gw ini. Nanti dibilang kripik2 doang lagi. Tapi gw ngomong gini kok ya seakan2 blog gw laku dibaca orang. Kepedean. Hahaha.

Well, sekarang gw lagi numpang browsing di kelasnya salah satu temen ngajar gw. Namanya Ms Lili. Dy lagi tes di Al Azhar pusat, makanya gw bisa make komputernya. Ga izin pula. Maap ya Ms. Abisnya lagi males ngerumpi. Sekalian mau buat powerpoint buat nampilin foto anak2 pas bagi rapot. Nasib udah ga punya komputer pribadi gini nih. Jadi harus numpang sana-sini kalo mau ngerjain sesuatu. Mepet2 bawa laptop sendiri. Berattt... Aku kan wanita yang lemah lembut, jadi ga kuat bawa. Pretttttt.....

Seperti yang udah pernah gw ceritain (kayaknya sih pernah cerita), gw sekarang bukan lagi jadi guru kelas. Status gw sekarang guru Bahasa Inggris merangkap sebagai wali kelas 2. Tugas gw (menurut gw sih) lebih ringan, tapi bukannya jadi ga butuh tanggung jawab loh ya. Ga terima gw kalo dibilang begitu. Tapi beneran deh, sejak gw ga jadi wali kelas, beban gw rasanya terangkat. Padahal yang tadinya cuma harus berurusan sama murid dan orang tua 1 kelas aja sekarang beranak jadi 10 kelas. But amazingly, gw ga terlalu berat sama hal ini.

Emang kalo sepengalaman gw, ngajar SD lebih ribet. Bukan pada kontennya, tapi tanggung jawabnya sama murid dan orang tua. Dulu waktu gw ngajar SMA (biarpun cuma 5 bulan), ga ada satupun telpon dari orang tua komplen inilah itulah, nanya inilah itulah. Tapi gw kagum juga sama orang tuanya murid gw yang begitu memperhatikan pendidikan anak2nya. Sampe rela nelpon2in gurunya nanya pelajaran, PR, atau bahkan perkembangan anaknya.


Bosen ngomongin tentang sekolah. Hari ini gw sama uda rencana mau nontopn Tenggelamnya Kapal Van Der Wijck (au dah tulisannya bener apa ga). Tapi ga tau juga sih jadi apa ga. Soalnya kita mau nonton jam 6 dan mau beli tiket on the spot. Kalo ga dapet tiket ya takdir. Wkwkwk. Eh iya, sekarang dy udah lulus loh. Lagi tes di sana sini demi memperjuangkan masa depan kita. Eaaaaaa..... lebay da ah.

Ya udah deh, kali ini cukup sekian dulu. Gw mau mulai buat powerpoint. Masalahnya fotonya kegedean jadi mesti dikompres dulu. Sampe ketemu lagi. Bye bye... *widyakilaz*

April 30, 2013

April 27, 2013

When Your Life is Filled with Whining and Nagging

Oh, well. Thank you for being here. I just want to share my feeling, as usual. "When Your Life is Filled with Whining and Nagging" is a really suitable title for me. I have been whined and nagged lately. I am not a big fan of better-not-to-mention place, but I'm not a hater also. It's not that I hate the peoples, I just don't like something there, and this something is really hard to explain.

I have read some books, telling that whining just waste our time. True. But it can't help me keep away from doing it. The more I enter the deeper part of the place, the more I found myself disappointed. Sometimes I hope there's a real scene like in the Mean Girl movie when we can reveal what bothers us without being afraid of the bullies. But since we are in the real world where many evil people live, we have to leave it behind.

Just accept what you get. Be grateful of what you have. Not so many people are lucky like me. Moreover, not so many people are unlucky like me. Life is fair though it doesn't seem so. To bury my jealousy and to burn my haughty, I have to believe that He gives what I need, not only what I want. If I can do it, I will live in peace.

April 26, 2013

Nyebelin adalah ketika mendengar guru sekolah negeri digeneralisasi, dijelekkan, padahal tidak semua guru negeri seperti yg dikatakan. Maaf, ibuku tidak seperti itu. Jadi jangan sok tahu.

Nyebelin juga adalah ketika mendengar guru sekolah swasta dipuja setinggi langit, padahal tidak semua guru swasta seperti yang dikatakan. Maaf, Anda tidak seperti itu. Jadi jangan takabur.

April 21, 2013

Movie Effect, AADC Movie

I've just watched AADC movie (again), and it never fails to make me feel kind of blue. I miss my man miles away. I wish he was here.

February 28, 2013

A Post of Me Whining

I dont know what's happening to me. I have been liking here, but lately I really hate here. Not all people here (and everywhere else) are nice, yeah I know that from the beginning, but if feels a little bit annoying to hear many 'reprovals' some which are not necessary. The invisible law, once again, makes me sick. I admit that some of the reprovals come from my mistakes, I accept if that's the case. But if it concludes seniority, I'm sorry I think you're the product of New Order.

I dont know, maybe I'm too much. I was warned because of attending a birthday invitation from my student. They said that I was supposed to not coming. Why? Wasn't it just an invitation? Dont we have to attend it? From Jabir r.a, it is stated that Rasulullah SAW said:  إِذَا دُعِيَ أَحَدُكُمْ إِلَى طَعَامٍ فَلْيُجِبْ فَإِنْ شَاءَ طَعِمَ وَإِنْ شَاءَ تَرَكَ which means "If you are invited to a banquet, you should come. (After you come), if you want to eat the food so eat it, and if you dont want to eat the food so leave it." (Hadith History of Muslim) 
Sometimes I feel that I dont belong here, I belong to somewhere else. Some of the rules here cant be accepted by my perception. So far I can say "yes and yes" trying to burry my ego inside. I did it, but lately it is poking little by little to the surface. I need some escape!

On Saturday I will go camping with my friends. I hope it can refresh my mind and my soul. I want to be free from this suck feeling. I miss my freedom.

My Birthday

Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers

Me and My Boyfriend

Daisypath Anniversary tickers