March 27, 2012



empa dengan kekuatan 8,9 skala Richter mengguncang Jepang,  Jumat 11 Maret 2011. Gempa itu memicu tsunami yang memporak-porandakan pesisir timur negara itu. Sebuah pukulan besar bagi Jepang yang dikenal negeri paling siap menghadapi gempa dan tsunami di muka bumi ini. Berdasar data Badan Meteorologi Jepang, gempa yang memicu sunami ini merupakan yang terdahsyat dalam kurun waktu 140 tahun terakhir. Belum lagi ditambah meledaknya Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Nuklir, Fukushima. Negeri Sakura di ambang bencana nuklir.

usat gempa tepat berada 130 kilometer (km) di lepas pantai timur kota Sendai atau 400 km di timur laut kota Tokyo pada kedalaman 24,4 km. Gempa bumi ini menimbulkan gelombang tsunami yang dahsyat setinggi 10 meter di sekitar kota Sendai. 

Jumlah orang yang dikonfirmasikan tewas atau tercatat sebagai orang hilang oleh Badan Kepolisian Nasional Jepang mencapai 18.000 pada Sabtu, delapan hari setelah gempa dahsyat dan hantaman tsunami. Ada kekhawatiran jumlah korban tewas jauh lebih tinggi dari bencana yang menyapu daerah permukiman yang luas sepanjang pantai Pasifik utara pulau Honshu itu.

adan kepolisian nasional seperti dilaporkan AFP mengatakan, 7.197 orang telah dikonfirmasi tewas dan 10.905 resmi terdaftar sebagai hilang , total 18.10. Hingga pukul 09:00 waktu setempat Sabtu, sebagai akibat dari bencana 11 Maret itu.

Sejauh ini pemerintah Jepang telah menginstruksikan penduduk yang tinggal dalam radius 20 sampai 30 kilometer dari lokasi PLTN Jepang untuk tinggal di dalam rumah. Pemerintah Jepang menaikkan level bahaya radiasi Nuklir ke level lima akibat rusaknya Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Nuklir (PLTN) di Fukushima.

empa dan tsunami menimbulkan krisis di Jepang, bahkan yang terburuk paska Perang Dunia II. Bagaimana masyarakat Jepang menghadapi bencana ini? Seperti dimuat situs CNN, makanan dan air menjadi barang langka di Jepang. Listrik di zona tsunami nyaris tak ada. Namun, berbeda dengan kondisi bencana di negara lain di mana terjadi kerusuhan, ledakan emosi publik yang marah dan berduka, warga Jepang nampak tenang meski berkabung. Masyarakat dengan sabar berdiri, antre selama berjam-jam dengan teratur demi mendapat beberapa botol air. 


March 26, 2012

"Jealousy can kill you." -Fela Dafitri

Have you ever felt something weird inside your heart when you hear someone's success? Have you ever felt your face burnt when you hear your friends' success? Have you ever felt that God unfairly treats because you get less than the others? Yes, I have ever felt it. And somehow and sometimes I still feel it.

Jealousy. A kind of abstract thing that can destroy yourself--physically and mentally. I'm still learning how to maintain this dreadful feeling. Sometimes, I feel jealous hearing my friends telling their success. I often feel that I am always left behind. I realize that I have lack of gratitude, and I am not proud to have this kind of character. I want to set myself free. In fact, I have a lot to be thanked to God. I don't want to be a  jealous person because it hurts myself. Here are some tips to do when jealousy is coming to you:
  1. Listen carefully how hard your friends get their success, not only the success itself.
  2. If your friends are not talking about their effort to get the success, ask them to tell you about it.
  3. If your friends happen to get their success by luck (without any efforts), which you think is unacceptable, just laugh and tell yourself that you're gonna get your luck later.
  4. If your friends are annoyingly telling their effortless success, just remember that luck doesn't last forever. Hihihi.
  5. If you can't manage your feeling, just find a reason to leave the conversation.
When you feel uncomfortable hearing other peoples' success, maybe you should reflect to yourself. Have you ever swaggered yourself? Have you ever told much about your success to others? Don't you ever think that you may hurt people's feeling and pride? Now because you know that hearing others' success is not as easy as telling them your success, I think you should keep yourself a little--except your friend ask you to tell about your success to encourage them. Let's make ourselves free from jealousy!!! \(^o^)/ **widyakilaz**

March 24, 2012

Blood Donation: Am I able to do it?

Last night, my brother said that a couple days ago he went to PMI (Palang Merah Indonesia) in purpose to donate his blood. Unfortunately, his Hb (hemoglobin) was too high that he was not be able to donate. Moreover, I have just also visited Indry's blog. I read her post about her donating her blood.
Your blood saves others' lives.
I have been interested in donating too. But, I am afraid to go there by myself (hehehe, so immature). Despite the fact, I have low blood pressure too. I'm still curious whether or not I am able to donate my blood. I really want to. You may say that I just follow others, but I think following others' good habit is also good, isn't it? **widyakilaz**

March 23, 2012

Bad News Good News

Hello, all! How are you doing? I'm fine. I have some bad news and good news lately. Let's start with the bad news first.
  1. Tomcat starts to attack my boyfriend's dormitory! I'm very worried. I suspect that it poisoned my boyfriend on his leg and back. I hope it's not severe.
  2. The wind-storm is happening in Jakarta these days. It's so frightening to go outside, even to stay inside.
  3. My salary for substituting Ms Erna is so...low. Hihihi. It's not that matter actually, I'm still grateful. I've got so many experience and knowledge.
  4. My 'little business' is a little bit stuck. I wanna have some improvement, but I still have some problems to do it.
In the meanwhile, I've got some very good news. Labschool called me yesterday and invited me to have a second test on the next Tuesday. I'm so excited! I almost forget about applying in this school. I'll do my best. Chaiyo! (^o^) Another good news is that maybe my boyfriend will come home on May. It hasn't been fixed, but I hope he is really able to come. I miss him very much!

Alright, I think I will end this post here. Happy Nyepi, all! (^o^)v **widyakilaz**

March 15, 2012

Starting a new beginning with you...

Erase the "mistake" to have a blank paper again.
Last night, we talked about what had been bothering me. He admitted that he was wrong and promised not to do it again. We had a deal to start everything all over again. I felt a bit sorry about hating those two girls because those were not totally their fault--in fact my boy was between the chaos, but the girls were sucks too! I don't have any ideas how they could do and say something like that to a boy who already has a girlfriend. It goes the same way for the boy too. Did he even think about me? Did he think that I would be okay with that? Maybe he thought that it was just "for fun", but for me, he had cheated. And it was bad and hurt.

After talking and sharing everything, I feel more relieved. Not totally relieved, but yeah, I have to try to sacrifice my disappointment away. And I don't want to take it back. I'm trying to have a new beginning with him, started from zero. **widyakilaz**

March 14, 2012

What does "past" mean exactly? I have no idea.

Tired. Too tired. I'm tired, but I can't take my eyes off of it. It hurts. Pushing my heart so bad that I can't breath. Past is past. But the past was when I was already there. I don't know how I should feel about this. It lasted, but it still hurts. Yeah, it hurts. And you know what? I didn't regret hating both of them. Or should it be three? He was a jerk once, conciously or unconciously, I don't know. Yeah like I said, past is past. I know it doesn't matter now, but it still hurts me. **widyakilaz** 

I can't help myself out of this heartache. So please, darling. Heal me.
*For you, I'm sorry. I know you love me, but I still can't forget everything. The more I drown myself to it, the more hurt I am. I want to hear your voice, because It strengthen me. But you're busy studying so I just can't tell you right now. I dont want to trouble you, yes I don't. At least you know that I love you. So much. Yeah, I love you that much, thus we need to talk (again). There's still something inside my heart which hasn't gone yet. I need you. I need an answer.

March 13, 2012

Ngawas TO, Body Rafting, Webcaman

Hari ini gw pulang cepet. Ternyata semua kelas XI hari ini libur, soalnya kelas XIInya lagi TO UN. Tau gitu nggak usah berangkat deh tadi. Masih ngantuk banget! Sebenernya ada untungnya sih gw dateng, soalnya gw jadi pengawas TO, and it means gw bakalan dapet duit jajan. Hehehehe. Lumayanlan. Nothing to lose.

Oh iya, tadi Bu Tjandra sama Bu Nia ngajakin body rafting di Sukabumi (sama beberapa guru "muda" yang lainnya). Kemungkinan sih bulan Mei. Asiikk, kalo yang ngajak guru2 pasti dibolehin nih sama Ibu-Bapak. Mudah2an aja nanti jadi. Another praynya sih semoga perginya pas gw punya duit. Hehehe. AMIN.
Btw, sekarang gw lagi webcaman ngeliatin pacar ngerjain tugas. Hihihi. Kasian, tugasnya banyak. Dosennya kejam. Pelajarannya bikin pusing. Baru sebulan kuliah, udah kurusan aja. Ckckck.
Maaf ya sayang, aku nggak bisa bantu apa2. Cuma bisa kasih semangat. Kerja keras kamu akan terbayar kok nanti. I'll wait you here, my prince. \(^o^)/
 Oke deh. I think I'll end this post. Pegel. Sampe nanti ya, friends! :-D **widyakilaz**

March 1, 2012

Kamu. Selalu kamu.

Aku suka kamu.
Aku sayang kamu.
Aku cinta kamu.
Aku kangen kamu.
Aku mau jadi pendamping kamu.
Aku mau jadi tulang rusuk kamu.
Aku mau hidup sama kamu.
Aku mau kamu di hidup aku.
Aku mau kamu.
Selalu kamu.


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