February 21, 2012

About School

Well, hello friends! Whats up? I have wanted to make a good post for so long, but I dont know how I always end up writing something "shallow" again and again. I am sorry for disappointing you, but I have always tried to do my best. Just like the other days, I want to tell you about my days at school.
Yeah, I told you. I have been busy recently teaching in SMAN 48 Jakarta. I teach year 11 science students. Honestly, I haven't felt very comfortable teaching them, not like teaching my previous year 12 science students. But dont worry, things are getting better and better. I love teaching. I am sure I will get along with my new students soon.

Somehow, I feel tired teaching them. Why? Because I have to carry out 20 hours meeting in three days! On tuesday and wednesday, I have to teach four classes, and on friday I have to teach three classes, NONSTOP. I always pray to God that I never teach in my initial period of time, it will be really painful!

Among students, teachers, and staffs at school, I can say that I am quite popular, hihihi. It's true, I'm not lying. However, I think there are some teachers and students who do not like me. I can accept that. I dont care, I just let it flow. We cannot ask everyone to like us, right? That's how there is black and white, bad and good, hate and love. for sure, I just wanna be a nice person.

Let's leave school. Let's talk about my little business. Actually it's getting better. The sales turnover increases week by week. And so far, rain is the only obstacle. I am dreaming of having a boutique someday. A name has been turning inside my mind. Silly, right? Hihihi. How about Moko Chic Boutique? I took Moko as the abbreviation of "Mobil Toko". Why Moko is because I firstly started my business using my mom's car--si Mumun (if you're following my blog posts, you will have known about Mumun).

Well, maybe having a boutique is still a dream for me. But I am sure that I will be able to have it someday. Okay, I think I will end my post today. I'll see you around! :-) **widyakilaz**


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