April 27, 2013

When Your Life is Filled with Whining and Nagging

Oh, well. Thank you for being here. I just want to share my feeling, as usual. "When Your Life is Filled with Whining and Nagging" is a really suitable title for me. I have been whined and nagged lately. I am not a big fan of better-not-to-mention place, but I'm not a hater also. It's not that I hate the peoples, I just don't like something there, and this something is really hard to explain.

I have read some books, telling that whining just waste our time. True. But it can't help me keep away from doing it. The more I enter the deeper part of the place, the more I found myself disappointed. Sometimes I hope there's a real scene like in the Mean Girl movie when we can reveal what bothers us without being afraid of the bullies. But since we are in the real world where many evil people live, we have to leave it behind.

Just accept what you get. Be grateful of what you have. Not so many people are lucky like me. Moreover, not so many people are unlucky like me. Life is fair though it doesn't seem so. To bury my jealousy and to burn my haughty, I have to believe that He gives what I need, not only what I want. If I can do it, I will live in peace.


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