July 31, 2011

Welcoming Ramadhan 1432 H/2011

Nggak kerasa, besok udah mau masuk bulan Ramadhan. Maaf ya Eyang Kung dan Mbah, Wiwid belom sempet nyekar. Huhuhu... Didoain dari rumah kok! :-)

Well, Ramadhan kali ini agak "beda". Hehehe. Kali ini, gw lagi punya pacar dan lagi nunggu sidang. Artinya, gw harus lebih bisa menjaga diri dan banyak berdoa demi kelancaran sidang.

Selamat menjalankan ibadah puasa ya teman2 semua!! Semoga ibadah kita bisa lebih baik. AMIN. -kilaz

July 29, 2011

A Special Feeling for a Special Person

I woke up this morning, feeling so grateful to have my love's with me, yours' with you. Sharing the stories of how you was and how you are, how I was and how I am, we accept the way we are. We have had so much tears but too much love to make those matter. We walk as the time expects us to walk, care as the love guides us to care. The stories of us would never end as long as we keep holding each others--not to be cliche, but yes-- forever. -kilaz

July 14, 2011

Nowhere to Go?

 I really have to find another place to go.
As soon as I can.
Another place where I belong,
where I can do what I want,
where I can always be myself.
All the time.
No lies.

July 13, 2011

A song for your suck ex-lover: I'm not sorry there's nothing to save...

I've found a song when I was watching Daydream Nation movie. The song is cool. It tells about Someone who meet his/her ex-lover long after they broke up. The ex was suck. (S)he left Someone for unknown reasons. It left the worst pain for Someone. But after some times, everything's changed. Someone's turned from an ugly duckling into a lovely swan. When they meet again, the ex sees the change, but the wound which the ex made would never be healed flown away. "It's a fleck on my porcelain skin." Someone said.
This is the song: Your Ex-Lover is Dead by Stars.
God that was strange to see you again
Introduced by a friend of a friend
Smiled and said 'yes I think we've met before'
In that instant it started to pour
Captured a taxi despite all the rain
We drove in silence across Pont Champlain
And all of the time you thought I was sad
I was trying to remember your name...
This scar is a fleck on my porcelain skin
Tried to reach deep but you couldn't get in
Now you're outside me
You see all the beauty
Repent all your sin
It's nothing but time and a face that you lose
I chose to feel it and you couldn't choose
I'll write you a postcard
I'll send you the news
From a house down the road from real love...
Live through this, and you won't look back...
Live through this, and you won't look back...
Live through this, and you won't look back...
There's one thing I want to say, so I'll be brave
You were what I wanted
I gave what I gave
I'm not sorry I met you
I'm not sorry it's over
I'm not sorry there's nothing to save
I'm not sorry there's nothing to save...
Now, Someone has forgotten the ex. Someone's moved on. For someone, the ex is dead. The scar is still there, but Someone will never be the same. The ex? The ex lives in regret. How poor.  -kilaz

July 12, 2011

Jakarta-Surabaya? Dekeeetttt.....

Seperti yang udah gw ceritain sebelumnya. Kemaren Uda tiba2 nelpon, bilang kalo dia lagi di jalan mau ke stasiun menuju Surabaya. Mana nggak bilang lagi mau ngapain, cuma bilang ada urusan, nanti aja aku ceritain. Rasanya sama kayak dulu pas Uda nelpon, bilang kalo hari itu kita harus ketemu, dan bilang kalo dia dipindahin kerja ke Kalimantan. Rasanya tuh takuuuttttttt....banget. Takut kehilangan dia. Takut jauh dari dia. Dan kemaren perasaan itu muncul lagi.

Gw udah ada feeling sebelumnya, kalo kepergian Uda ke Surabaya ada hubungannya sama rencana dia nerusin kuliah. Semalem udah gw tanya, dan ternyata emang bener. Sebenernya dia mau bilang pas lagi di angkot kemarin. Ternyata dia agak takut juga, nggak gw ngebolehin kuliah dan kerja di luar kota. Gw juga takut sebenernya. Tapi katakutan gw sungguh nggak beralasan, karena gw tau dan percaya Uda nggak akan ninggalin gw--seperti yang dia bilang.

Hm. Sebenernya Uda juga belom test sih. Kayaknya baru mau survey tempat doang. Pokoknya gw berdoa yang terbaik buat Uda. Dan kalo emang dia diterima di universitas itu, gw juga nggak boleh diem2 aja. He's on his way to reach his dream, then I have to reach my dreams too. Dan kalo saatnya udah tiba, we'll live happily ever after--as one.
Tell me all of your hopes, all of your dreams, I want you to take me there. Tell me all of your hopes, all of your dreams, I want to take you there. Tell me everything, every breath, I want you to know I'll be there. There's just one more thing, one request, I want you to take me with you. -Secondhand Serenade
Gw nggak peduli orang nganggep gw cinta mati sama dia, karena emang kenyataannya kayak gitu. Gw mau jadi segalanya buat dia. Gw mau dia bahagia. I want to be his eyes to see. I want to be his arms to hold. I want to be his feet to run. I want to be his best friend, his everything. Because he'sa already my everything as well.
We're NOT that far! :D
Hmm... Sepertinya gw harus belajar LDR nih. Harus belajar sabar. Hehehe. Jakarta-Surabaya deket kok! Cuma 12 jam kalo ditempuh pake kereta. Kalo kangen, tinggal nongol di stasiun, minta jemput. Kalo Uda lagi sibuk, bisa jalan2 dulu. Hehehe. -kilaz

July 11, 2011

It's been 5 days since the last time we met. Aku kangen, Sayang!!!

Sebenernya gw udah biasa ditinggal-tinggal, nggak bisa ketemu. Seminggu nggak ketemu juga udah biasa. Tapi kalo nggak bisa ketemu karena dia tiba2 bilang lagi di jalan menuju stasiun mau ke Surabaya kok rasanya agak2 nggak ikhlas ya. Langsung kangen. Arrghh... Lebay deh gw. Tapi beneran agak2 sedih gitu. Oh God! I'm such an ababil!! (-__-") -kilaz

Judul tidak begitu penting...

Aku ingin mencintaimu secara sederhana
Menyebak embun di jiwa
Merobek benalu di hati
Aku ingin seperti dulu
Membuat aku dan kamu menjadi kita
Gw lupa siapa yang buat. Kalo nggak salah sih sepupu gw. -kilaz

July 9, 2011

Me and My Elementary School Friends

Sedikit cerita aja. Gw seneng banget, hari ini ketemu sama temen2 SD. Walaupun cuma sekelas selama dua tahun, tapi lumayan kangen... Well, waktu itu gw anak baru, anak pindahan. Gw kira bakal susah banget nyesuaiin diri. Tapi ternyata, mereka baik2 dan langsung menerima gw jadi bagian dari mereka.

Setelah bertahun2, kita dipertemukan lagi di acara nikahan salah satu temen kita, namanya Dedew. Nggak nyangka, lumayan juga yang dateng. Tadi ada Nia, Ambar, Intan, Riri, Ario, Dani, Jungem, Yasin, Alan, Piki, Arif, Tubagus, Teguh, dan Tanto. Dan percaya atau nggak, sebagian dari mereka ada yang berubah, total! :))
Nikahan Dedew, 9 Juli 2011 (kapan2 gw upload foto waktu SD deh...)
Abis dari nikahan Dedew, kita main di rumah Nia--ngobrol, main Uno, ngegosip, flashback cerita2 SD yang seru2 dan bego. Ya. Kita baru sadar kalo pas SD kita tuh bego banget. Salah satu kebegoan kita yang menurut gw paling parah adalah tentang Mr Gepeng.

Masih inget Mr Gepeng? Ya. Dia adalah makhluk mistis yang katanya menghuni WC di SD gw (dan mungkin di SD lainnya). Konon, Mr Gepeng ini dulunya manusia yang mati terjepit lift--entah di mana. Dan dulu kita sangat percaya bahwa dia emang ada, sampe2 nggak ada anak cewek maupun cowok yang berani ke WC sendirian. Bahkan, beberapa anak di kelas gw ada yang sampe pipis dan ee di celana karena takut ke WC. Bego kan? Hahaha.

Nggak kerasa udah sore, perut yang tadinya keisi penuh selama kondangan udah mulai nagih. Akhirnya kita makan Yamin di pertigaan. Yaminnya enak. Trus kita sempet makan duren sebelum balik lagi ke rumah Nia. Ya. Kita balik lagi, ngobrol lagi, main lagi, tidur2an lagi, dll. -kilaz

Bahagia, walaupun nggak kayak di film-film...

Lo kayak baru pertama kali pacaran tau nggak sih Wid... :))
That's what one of my friend said about me. Kenapa? Karena gw selalu "lapor" setiap gw ngalamin hal2 untuk pertama kalinya. Hehehe. Dan percintaan gw kali ini memang beda. Kali ini banyak sayang, banyak jangan, banyak kangen, banyak takut, banyak seneng, banyak galau. I'm way too deeply in love with him, and I hope we'll have a happy ending and live happily ever after--just like the fairytale always ends. -kilaz

July 5, 2011

He kissed my eyes when I was crying...

I hardly can hold my eyes to cry in front of him. I don't know how I can let myself look fragile when I'm with him. But I don't care to show him what I feel, because he'll never let me cry for a long time. He will be there, wiping my tears with his hands, kissed my eyes, my foreheads, and put a smile on my lips again. -kilaz

My Birthday

Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers

Me and My Boyfriend

Daisypath Anniversary tickers