August 25, 2012

Happy New Year, Let's Have a Fresh Start

Annyeonghaseyo! It's been a while since the last time I updated this blog. Well, because we've just celebrated idul fitri, and before the smell is gone, I would like to apologize for what I've done. Let's have a fresh start just now. Starting from 0-0 again. In Islamic calendar, it's still new year, right? So, I will pretend this post as the first post this year.

Where should I start? I was about doing my translation then. But when I checked my email, it hasn't been there. So, while waiting for it, I want to share something about my life first. Shortly, in Bahasa, it's called curhat. The following story is just a little story about my life. Surely I won't be able to retell the whole because my brain is not that good in memorizing.

My "School" Life
When I wrote "school" life, it doesn't mean that I'm still in college or something. It's the school where I've been working. To be short, I'm working in one of famous Islamic elementary school (hehehe) in Cibubur, teaching 2nd graders. My students are very unique. I will tell some.

Uma is one of my students who likes to nag. What's been nagged? Yeah, her physical condition. Basically, she's okay. But she likes to say that she's sick. This happens everyday. Please note, everyday. Even one day, she called me by herself saying that she's sick. OMG--students nowadays.
Day 1
Uma: "Ms, I feel sick. I have a headache..." (touching her forehead)
Me: "Oh, what a pity. Let me walk you to the School Health Unit." (worried) 
Day 2
Uma: "Ms, I don't know, there is a problem with my hand." (holding her hand)
Me: "What happened?" (checking her hand, found nothing, realized something)
Uma: "I don't understand, it suddenly feels bad."
Me: "Okay, just sit on your chair. It will be gone soon." 
Day 3
Uma: "Ms, I am dizzy. I want to throw up."
Me: "You're gonna be okay. Don't kid too much with your friends."
Uma: "Really Ms. My head is sick."
Me: "You just had kidded to much with your friends. Believe me, you're okay."
Uma: "No Ms. I want to throw up. I want to throw up if my friends are noisy."
Me: "..." 
Day 4
Uma: "Ms, I've got a fever." (touching her forehead)
Me: "Let me see..." (touching her forehead, found she's okay)
Uma: (showing pity face)
Me: "No, you're okay." (leaving her)
Uma has two best friends. One in my class (Agita), and one in other class (Sasha). They like a third grader boy named Rafa. One day, Uma and Sasha wrote a letter to Rafa. Knowing this, Agita was really angry. She didn't except that they didn't put her name in the letter. Agita and Uma argued until they cried. And finally, Uma ripped the letter into pieces, cried and shouted: "Look! It's already ripped. Are you satisfied?! Look!" Hahahahahahaha. It looked like a scene from a drama.

There are lots of stories about my class everyday. It won't be enough to write it here. My students are way too unique. They like to fight, they never shut up, they like to nag, they like to cry, they like to share foods, they like to make me (and Ms Fiyya--my colleague) exhausted and thirsty. Well, but I love them all.

My students' parents are nice too. They are very generous, hehehe. Before Idul Fitri holiday, they share some presents, cookies, and angpao to me and Ms Fiyya. I was very happy because before I used to open my mom's presents, and now I had mine. So far, I like being here. I learn a lot.

My "Home" Life
Home doesn't mean that I already form a family. Hehe. It's about my life as a daughter of Mr Purwo and Mrs Fajar. They are glad to know that I'm working in my working place right now. They said that it's good to make me better.

As a working daughter, I feel that I'm supposed to give some of my money to my parents as a form that I want to reply what they've done. Unfortunately, I am still not able to do that. First, because my salary is much much much lower than my parents. Second, because I have been using it to pay my two-wheels-vehicle installment. Third, think the first reason is the main reason... :'(

My "Friendship" Life
I miss my friends so much. We seldom meet, but luckily we can keep in touch with the help of technology. However, it feels not enough because I like meeting them directly, sharing each others' updates, hehehe. Hm, I think I will see them today, or tomorrow.

My "Love" Life
Hm, what should I say. It's getting better and better. Just like the ocean, it's never dry. He's getting busy, but I can understand that he has to finish his study. I believe him, and I believe that he won't make me disappointed.

A couple days ago, I went to his house and met his parents. I was so nervous, but I think it went well. That was the first time his dad asked something directly to me. Whoaaa... I couldn't feel my stomach! >_<

Well, I want to be better and better. I will do my best to be the best for my best mans--my family, my boyfriend, my friends, my students, everyone that I love and who love me. Okay, I think this is the end of this post. I hope you don't get bored because it seems that I will be back as a blogger and update this blog as often as possible. Hehehe. Adios! *widyakilaz*

August 14, 2012

It's called "human"...

Sometimes, we keep doing something that is not allowed.
Sometimes, we keep doing something without seeing the result.
Sometimes, we keep doing something that we like.
Sometimes, we keep doing something wrong though we know that's wrong.
It has happened since our first anchestor was created.
It's only human who did that.
We're the sons of Adam.

August 6, 2012

Tomorrow, You're Mine :*

Baru kali ini, gw bukan orang pertama yang ketemu Uda pas dia lagi pulang ke Jakarta. Biasanya gw selalu jadi orang pertama (atau paling nggak prioritas utama ketemu deh, hehehehe. Pede bener yak!) Ini dia kronologis kejadiannya:
Jumat, 3 Agustus '12 >> Dari Surabaya sampe di Jakarta malem hari, istirahat
Sabtu, 4 Agustus '12 >> Istirahat, sorenya buka bareng temen2 nongkrong di Depok, malemnya nginep di rumah Chepy
Minggu, 5 Agustus '12 >> Baru pulang siang dari rumah Chepy, lanjut istirahat di rumah
Senin, 6 Agustus '12 >> Buka puasa bareng temen2 SMAnya di Cijantung
Gw nggak mau ketemu di sela2 waktu di atas karena pasti cuma sebentar ketemunya, hehe. Besok Uda janji mau anter-jemput ke sekolah, trus (kalo jadi) nemenin nonton Batman, trus buka puasa bareng deh. Pokoknya besok Uda punya gw... :") *widyakilaz*

July 26, 2012


Setelat diliat-liat, dibaca-baca, dan diamati, ternyata beberapa postingan di blog gw agak2 alay. Wkwkwk. Maklum, being twenty something is hard... (apa hubungannya-___-") *widyakilaz*

July 20, 2012

"Happy Birthday, My Prince." (July, 17th 2012)

"Happy birthday, My Prince. I will always love you, my dear Sleepyhead." birthday boy...kue yang cuma bisa diliat di layar kaca, hiks...

July 7, 2012

Al Azhar: First Three Days

Last Thursday I started working in my new school. Actually, the new term is about to start on Monday (9/7) but we have to decorate all classes before it. That's why these three days--what I mean by three days are thursday, friday, and saturday--we decorated the class with many instruments, like Huruf Hijaiyah, The Angels of Allah, The Characters of Allah, Our Birthday, My Reward, My Information, Bulan Hijriyah, Bulan Masehi, Islamic Year, Name Tag (for locker), and so on. All have to be done by Monday. Luckily, I will teach the second grader (who start study on Tuesday) so I still have one more day to finish them all.

Well, I just arrived from Lubang Buaya to have Pak Udin The Tailor sew my uniforms. Today is so exhausting. I went to school to continue decorating at 8 am to 1 pm, then I went to Cibubur Junction to buy a pair of shoes and had lunch, and finally to Pak Udin's place after eating dinner at Pondok Gede with Dinta (my cousin).

Back to the three first days in school. So far I feel fine being here. Peoples here are nice (so far). What is hard is just the workload. But I'm sure that I can do it! :-) Okay, this job takes my time very much. Maybe you think that I just teach elementary school, but you have no idea how much work that you have to do. Wkwkwk. Very tired, but I love it. I love teaching. And this causes some differences in my life, one of them is that I can't spend my time being with my boyfriend. I'm sorry, my prince. *widyakilaz*

July 4, 2012

Prepare for Tomorrow: 1st Day

Today, I'm informed that I've passed the test to teach in SD Al Azhar 20 Cibubur. I am still a teacher assistant, but I think this is a good place to start my career after SMAN 48 Jakarta. Actually I have no experience in teaching elementary students, but I'll accept the challenge. I hope this is a right decision.

Before this, actually I have been accepted in SMK Bina Citra Asia--a new little school in Kramat Jati. But I think I have to make a choice. Life is always full of choice, right? And there is often something to sacrifice. *widyakilaz*

July 1, 2012

Being Unemployed, Holiday Everyday

Hey, buddies! Pasti udah kangen ya liat postingan gw. Wkwkwk. Pede parah. Siapa juga yang mau baca blog yang isinya curhatan doang. Well, gw mau curhat lagi nih. Kali ini tentang semua yang gw alamin belakangan ini.

Firstly, I wanna tell you about my career. Udah sebulan ini gw jadi pengangguran, hehehe. Tadinya gw ngajar di SMAN 48 Jakarta, sebagai invaler. Gw gantiin guru yang cuti. Dapet 5 bulan di sana. Gw ngerasa enjoy ngajar di sana karena murid-muridnya, baik kelas XII maupun XI. Tadinya sih mau lanjut karena ada guru yang mau pensiun. Tapi apa daya, ada guru PNS dari sekolah lain yang pindah ke situ. Jadilah gw kegusur. Tapi di sana nggak sia-sia juga kok, karena gw jadi belajar kalo ternyata dunia kerja itu kejam, nggak semua rekan kerja itu baik. Pelajaran yang berharga. And here I am, a happy unemployed person. Tapi gw bersyukur. Selama jadi pengangguran, gw selalu dapet job translet. Jadi gw nggak bokek-bokek banget. Buat jajan dan jalan-jalan sih masih bisalah.

Me and XI IPA 2, SMAN 48 Jakarta
Dua minggu yang lalu, gw sama GM dan Chae, sahabat gw sejak SMA, jalan-jalan ke Lampung. Kita pergi ke Pulau Sebesi, Pulau Sebuku Kecil, Pulau Umang-Umang, Lagoon Cabe, dan Gunung Anak Krakatau sama rombongan Learn Indonesia, orang-orang yang sama sekali belum gw kenal. . Seruuuu....banget. This is my first experience of snorkeling. Norak ya. Hehe. Seneng, soalnya gw ketemu orang-orang baru dalam hidup gw. I like having some friends that my other friends do not know. It's like being outside the zone.
Kiri-Kanan: Gw, Mba Rany, Mba Lina, Chae, GM @ Anak Gunung Krakatau
Dan akhirnya, udaku pulang. Akhirnya, setelah hampir 6 bulan, setelah halangan2 yang terjadi belakangan ini, Udaku pulang juga. Kangeeennn.....banget. Kemaren langsung gw peluk, peluk, masih peluk, peluk lagi, peluk terus, peluk, dan peluk. Hehehe. Pokoknya nggak mau ngelepasin deh. really miss him so much. Udaku cuma pulang sebentar, hari selasa udah balik lagi ke Surabaya. Mudah2an semua urusan dia di sana lancar. Semoga cepet lulus, cepet kerja, cepet bisa mewujudkan cita2 kita. Amin.

Happy 19th-month anniversary, my prince. I hope you're the one and I'm the one. (30-06-12)

June 1, 2012

Cinta-cintaan lagi lagi dan lagi... (-__-")

Udah lama nggak ngeblog nih kayaknya. Gw lagi males banget ngurusin blog, hehe. Maaf ya, Pink (tiba2 aja pengen ngasin nama si blog, hahaha). Sebenernya pengen banget nerusin postingan2 yang belum selesai. Yang masih bagian 1. Tapi kayaknya gw pengen curhat masalah percintaan gw (lagi) deh. Dan karena gw lagi bete dan muak sama bahasa Inggris (just to say, I think I'm a victim of translation), gw mau pake bahasa Ibu gw aja, bahasa Indonesia, hehehe.

Sebenernya, gw nggak ada masalah apa2 sama cowo gw. Rasa sayang gw setiap hari tumbuh dan terus tumbuh. Tapi gw lagi geregetan banget sama satu cewek ini, sebut aja namanya Bubu (karena gw nggak suka banget ngeliat Bubunya Syahrini, jadi mari kita kasih nama yang sama sama cewe ini).

Gw mau ceritain sejarah si Bubu sama cowo gw dulu deh. Jadi, si Bubu ini adalah temen lamanya cowo gw. Mereka udah lama banget bertemen, malah bisa dibilang bertemen deket. Tapi, masih duluan gw sih yang kenal, soalnya kita satu SMP (*nggak mau kalah, hahaha). Intinya, mereka deket. Sampe sebelum gw jadianpun, mereka masih deket. Dan, yah, harus diakui kalo dia salah satu alasan kenapa waktu itu kita nggak bisa langsung jadian dan sempet bilang: "Gw nyaman kayak gini. Kita gini aja dulu ya. Masih ada urusan yang belum selesai."

Gw pikir, teror si Bubu berakhir sampe saat gw jadian. Ternyata gw salah. Pada awal gw jadian, si Bubu masih suka chattingan sama cowo gw. Dan itu gw baru tau beberapa bulan yang lalu. Kesel dan sakit ngeliat chattingan mereka. Si Bubu masih bilang2 sayang, walaupun cowo gw blg dy juga sayang walaupun sebagai temen.

Si Bubu ini selalu terlihat lemat dan kesepian, makanya mungkin terlalu berlebihan dan jahat kalo gw sampe ngelarang2 dy untuk nggak suka curhat ke cowo gw, yah, walaupun dengan begitu gw jadi ngejahatin hati gw sih. Sebenernya, nggak masalah ada siapapun, cewe atau cowo, curhat ke cowo gw, selama nggak aneh-aneh. Tapi geregetan banget banget banget, karena si Bubu masih suka manggil Momonku, terutama kalo dy nambahin kata2 sayang di belakangnya, dan masih menyinggung masalah kalo dulu dy sayang sama cowo gw.

Dan gw juga jadi kesel kalo dy masih suka bilang kalo harusnya dy yang jadian sama cowo gw kalo aja nggak jadian sama gw. Dan yang ngeselin lagi, kalo dy udah nyinggung masalah yang mendasar banget, masalah yang dy pikir ngebuat dy nggak bisa jadian sama cowo gw, karena kalo aja nggak ada masalah itu, pasti cowo gw bakal ngejadiin dy.

Gw sebenernya ngerti kalo sampe sekarang dy masih suka mau ngajakin cowo gw ngobrol, tapi gw nggak habis pikir kenapa dy yang terlalu baik dan lemah itu bisa bilang "sayang", "kangen", dan "tenang aja, gw nggak akan ganggu hubungan kalian kok, gw juga perempuan" pada saat yang sama. Itu sama aja mengganggu, secara halus. Dan walaupun gw tau, cewe suka bilang "jangan ada yang berubah ya" buat cinta yang nggak kesampean (yang nyatanya dulu juga pernah gw pake), gw ngerasa kalo emang harus ada yang berubah karena masing-masing udah punya pasangan, dan kalo emang nggak mau nyakitin pasangan masing-masing dan pasangan orang jangan sampe deh masih sama aja pas kayak belum jadian.

Gw nggak pernah manggil mantan orang yang gw suka dengan sebutan sayang, dan bahkan yang emang temenpun, gw nggak pernah nyebut sayang, karena gw menghormati pasangan gw, dan pasangan temen gw itu. Jadi, tolong dong, Bubu, dengan segala hormat jangan ngelakuin itu lagi, karena mata gw sakit ngeliatnya, dan gw yakin sesantai dan sepercaya apapun cowo lo sama lo, dy pasti juga nggak suka, kecuali kalo dy emang nggak sayang atau emang nggak peduli sama lo. Dan gw sayang dan peduli sama cowo gw, jadi gw nggak suka kalo ada yang manggil dy dengan sebutan yang lo berikan ke dy. Plis, katanya lo juga perempuan kan?

Sebenernya, awalnya gw nggak sebel sama si Bubu ini. Gw mau bertemen sama dy, gw mau kenal dy. Tapi kok rasanya semakin berat ngelakuinnya, terutama kalo dy masih kayak gitu.

Gw nulis ini, dengan resiko mungkin cowo gw akan sedikit ngambek karena mungkin gw terlalu kasar. Tapi gw juga manusia, gw punya perasaan, dan gw cewe. Semua orang tau cewe bisa jadi sangat mengerikan saat dy ngerasa disakitin. Dan mungkin gw lagi jadi seperti itu, dengan cara gw sendiri. Dan gw masih sangat baik karena gw nggak nulis siapa nama asli si Bubu, dan ngelampirin attachment di sini.
"A girl can be a monster once she's hurt."
Gw cuma berharap, hubungan gw sama cowo gw yang baik2 aja nggak akan terganggu karena masalah ini. I'm sorry for acting like this, but I can't keep this feeling inside me forever. I feel more relieved once I told someone or something about it. **widyakilaz**

May 17, 2012

Postingan Galau: Nggak Penting

Nggak tau mau nulis apa. Kalo diibaratkan dengan kata-kata, gw sekarang lagi berada di bagian terendah hidup gw. Fisik, mental, sakit semua. -widyakilaz-

April 28, 2012

Enjoying Our Priceless Lives: "I wanna see the world."

Time flies. We can't turn it back. But we can worth it by choosing how we're gonna spend. For some peoples, it's Eat, pray, love. For some others, Work hard, play harder, pray hardest will go representing. And for me? Hehehe. I think I'm gonna mix them up. Okay, let's go to the first part of my enjoying life phases.
"I wanna see the world."
I like traveling. I wanna see the world. I wanna go visiting places every year. Last year, I went to Singapore with my friends. We stayed for 4 days and 3 nights. We had so much fun. The country was so well organized. Everywhere was clean. To go everywhere was very easy. To have fun in the park and amusement park was fun. To shop was great. Except the food, our backpacking was quite perfect. I went there with my Campus Girls: Defi, Fela, Tami, Een, and Tyas.
Universal Studio Singapore: October 10th 2011
This year, we will Visit Kuala Lumpur Malaysia. Will will depart on August 30th and stay there for 5 days and 4 nights. There will be only 3 of us: Tami, Defi, and Me. But we're sure having fun there.

Next year? I don't know where we will go. But it seems that Bangkok Thailand will be a great next destination. But who knows? Plan is plan. The reality comes more real.

We can make our lives valuable if we want to. Don't let it wasted for nothing. See you in the next phase in the next post. Ciao! **widyakilaz**

April 27, 2012

A Girl's Day Out: Pizza Hut, J.Co, Payless Shoe Source, Margo City Square

With Uwie and Ipeh
It's been a long time. I just wanna say I'm fine. Last week I hung out with my best girlfriends, Uwie and Ipeh. We really had a good time. I really missed them. We shared about our extremely different jobs, had some pizzas, fusilli, and yoghurt, and went shopping. Hehehe. I bought a pair of black 10cm-high heels low boots. What a girl's day out! *widyakilaz*

April 7, 2012

Late Post

I wanna learn how to make you feel okay. I wanna be someone who can always boost your mood. I don't want to find you're looking for someone else when you need me. I wanna be someone you're always looking for when you can't asleep. I don't care if I have to stay awake all night long. I don't mind being awaken, just to find you're not okay, I wanna be there. How many times you say "I need you", as long as you still do not let me comfort you, I still not feel needed. And the words "I need you" will mean nothing. So, please let me. **widyakilaz**

April 6, 2012

Molome: Instagram?

Lately, I like to see vintage photos uploaded by some friends. Instagram, one of application for iPhone which is quite popular nowadays, is eye-catching for me too. Unfortunately, I don't have one. So, I browse whether there is similar application for PC or Blackberry, then I found Molome. Hehehe. If you wanna see my uploaded photos, you can visit my account here. Here are some of the photos. **widyakilaz**
Rainbow: Sunday Afternoon with My Best Friends Siti and GM
Rainbow: Me and My Boyfriend

April 1, 2012

For the Gentlemen in My Life: Thanks to You

People kept saying that yesterday was strange. Yeah, I kinda agree to that. Everyone got upset. Me was no exception. But thanks to you and dad, for the way different supports given to me.

My dad used to giving me objective opinion about something I'm whining and nagging about. Surprisingly, he didn't do something like that yesterday when I told him about someone who made me annoyed the other day. He said that there is a type of someone like that. I assumed he still remembered that I had told him the similar story with the similar person when I was still studying. He taught me some tips to get around with that--something honest, something hidden, and something whipping.

It went differently with my boyfriend. It went so objective that I got mad at him. Hehehe. I'm terribly sorry dear. Sometimes I just want to whine and nag without knowing whether or not I'm true. I cried because I disappointed with your response, not because my failure of getting in the school. I'm totally fine with that. I knew it before I got myself in, but I really had the desire to try because I was still afraid. I still can't handle my nervousness. And by following the test, I beat one of it.

You know, I am very grateful to have both of you. Danke. **widyakilaz**

March 27, 2012



empa dengan kekuatan 8,9 skala Richter mengguncang Jepang,  Jumat 11 Maret 2011. Gempa itu memicu tsunami yang memporak-porandakan pesisir timur negara itu. Sebuah pukulan besar bagi Jepang yang dikenal negeri paling siap menghadapi gempa dan tsunami di muka bumi ini. Berdasar data Badan Meteorologi Jepang, gempa yang memicu sunami ini merupakan yang terdahsyat dalam kurun waktu 140 tahun terakhir. Belum lagi ditambah meledaknya Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Nuklir, Fukushima. Negeri Sakura di ambang bencana nuklir.

usat gempa tepat berada 130 kilometer (km) di lepas pantai timur kota Sendai atau 400 km di timur laut kota Tokyo pada kedalaman 24,4 km. Gempa bumi ini menimbulkan gelombang tsunami yang dahsyat setinggi 10 meter di sekitar kota Sendai. 

Jumlah orang yang dikonfirmasikan tewas atau tercatat sebagai orang hilang oleh Badan Kepolisian Nasional Jepang mencapai 18.000 pada Sabtu, delapan hari setelah gempa dahsyat dan hantaman tsunami. Ada kekhawatiran jumlah korban tewas jauh lebih tinggi dari bencana yang menyapu daerah permukiman yang luas sepanjang pantai Pasifik utara pulau Honshu itu.

adan kepolisian nasional seperti dilaporkan AFP mengatakan, 7.197 orang telah dikonfirmasi tewas dan 10.905 resmi terdaftar sebagai hilang , total 18.10. Hingga pukul 09:00 waktu setempat Sabtu, sebagai akibat dari bencana 11 Maret itu.

Sejauh ini pemerintah Jepang telah menginstruksikan penduduk yang tinggal dalam radius 20 sampai 30 kilometer dari lokasi PLTN Jepang untuk tinggal di dalam rumah. Pemerintah Jepang menaikkan level bahaya radiasi Nuklir ke level lima akibat rusaknya Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Nuklir (PLTN) di Fukushima.

empa dan tsunami menimbulkan krisis di Jepang, bahkan yang terburuk paska Perang Dunia II. Bagaimana masyarakat Jepang menghadapi bencana ini? Seperti dimuat situs CNN, makanan dan air menjadi barang langka di Jepang. Listrik di zona tsunami nyaris tak ada. Namun, berbeda dengan kondisi bencana di negara lain di mana terjadi kerusuhan, ledakan emosi publik yang marah dan berduka, warga Jepang nampak tenang meski berkabung. Masyarakat dengan sabar berdiri, antre selama berjam-jam dengan teratur demi mendapat beberapa botol air. 


March 26, 2012

"Jealousy can kill you." -Fela Dafitri

Have you ever felt something weird inside your heart when you hear someone's success? Have you ever felt your face burnt when you hear your friends' success? Have you ever felt that God unfairly treats because you get less than the others? Yes, I have ever felt it. And somehow and sometimes I still feel it.

Jealousy. A kind of abstract thing that can destroy yourself--physically and mentally. I'm still learning how to maintain this dreadful feeling. Sometimes, I feel jealous hearing my friends telling their success. I often feel that I am always left behind. I realize that I have lack of gratitude, and I am not proud to have this kind of character. I want to set myself free. In fact, I have a lot to be thanked to God. I don't want to be a  jealous person because it hurts myself. Here are some tips to do when jealousy is coming to you:
  1. Listen carefully how hard your friends get their success, not only the success itself.
  2. If your friends are not talking about their effort to get the success, ask them to tell you about it.
  3. If your friends happen to get their success by luck (without any efforts), which you think is unacceptable, just laugh and tell yourself that you're gonna get your luck later.
  4. If your friends are annoyingly telling their effortless success, just remember that luck doesn't last forever. Hihihi.
  5. If you can't manage your feeling, just find a reason to leave the conversation.
When you feel uncomfortable hearing other peoples' success, maybe you should reflect to yourself. Have you ever swaggered yourself? Have you ever told much about your success to others? Don't you ever think that you may hurt people's feeling and pride? Now because you know that hearing others' success is not as easy as telling them your success, I think you should keep yourself a little--except your friend ask you to tell about your success to encourage them. Let's make ourselves free from jealousy!!! \(^o^)/ **widyakilaz**

March 24, 2012

Blood Donation: Am I able to do it?

Last night, my brother said that a couple days ago he went to PMI (Palang Merah Indonesia) in purpose to donate his blood. Unfortunately, his Hb (hemoglobin) was too high that he was not be able to donate. Moreover, I have just also visited Indry's blog. I read her post about her donating her blood.
Your blood saves others' lives.
I have been interested in donating too. But, I am afraid to go there by myself (hehehe, so immature). Despite the fact, I have low blood pressure too. I'm still curious whether or not I am able to donate my blood. I really want to. You may say that I just follow others, but I think following others' good habit is also good, isn't it? **widyakilaz**

March 23, 2012

Bad News Good News

Hello, all! How are you doing? I'm fine. I have some bad news and good news lately. Let's start with the bad news first.
  1. Tomcat starts to attack my boyfriend's dormitory! I'm very worried. I suspect that it poisoned my boyfriend on his leg and back. I hope it's not severe.
  2. The wind-storm is happening in Jakarta these days. It's so frightening to go outside, even to stay inside.
  3. My salary for substituting Ms Erna is so...low. Hihihi. It's not that matter actually, I'm still grateful. I've got so many experience and knowledge.
  4. My 'little business' is a little bit stuck. I wanna have some improvement, but I still have some problems to do it.
In the meanwhile, I've got some very good news. Labschool called me yesterday and invited me to have a second test on the next Tuesday. I'm so excited! I almost forget about applying in this school. I'll do my best. Chaiyo! (^o^) Another good news is that maybe my boyfriend will come home on May. It hasn't been fixed, but I hope he is really able to come. I miss him very much!

Alright, I think I will end this post here. Happy Nyepi, all! (^o^)v **widyakilaz**

March 15, 2012

Starting a new beginning with you...

Erase the "mistake" to have a blank paper again.
Last night, we talked about what had been bothering me. He admitted that he was wrong and promised not to do it again. We had a deal to start everything all over again. I felt a bit sorry about hating those two girls because those were not totally their fault--in fact my boy was between the chaos, but the girls were sucks too! I don't have any ideas how they could do and say something like that to a boy who already has a girlfriend. It goes the same way for the boy too. Did he even think about me? Did he think that I would be okay with that? Maybe he thought that it was just "for fun", but for me, he had cheated. And it was bad and hurt.

After talking and sharing everything, I feel more relieved. Not totally relieved, but yeah, I have to try to sacrifice my disappointment away. And I don't want to take it back. I'm trying to have a new beginning with him, started from zero. **widyakilaz**

March 14, 2012

What does "past" mean exactly? I have no idea.

Tired. Too tired. I'm tired, but I can't take my eyes off of it. It hurts. Pushing my heart so bad that I can't breath. Past is past. But the past was when I was already there. I don't know how I should feel about this. It lasted, but it still hurts. Yeah, it hurts. And you know what? I didn't regret hating both of them. Or should it be three? He was a jerk once, conciously or unconciously, I don't know. Yeah like I said, past is past. I know it doesn't matter now, but it still hurts me. **widyakilaz** 

I can't help myself out of this heartache. So please, darling. Heal me.
*For you, I'm sorry. I know you love me, but I still can't forget everything. The more I drown myself to it, the more hurt I am. I want to hear your voice, because It strengthen me. But you're busy studying so I just can't tell you right now. I dont want to trouble you, yes I don't. At least you know that I love you. So much. Yeah, I love you that much, thus we need to talk (again). There's still something inside my heart which hasn't gone yet. I need you. I need an answer.

March 13, 2012

Ngawas TO, Body Rafting, Webcaman

Hari ini gw pulang cepet. Ternyata semua kelas XI hari ini libur, soalnya kelas XIInya lagi TO UN. Tau gitu nggak usah berangkat deh tadi. Masih ngantuk banget! Sebenernya ada untungnya sih gw dateng, soalnya gw jadi pengawas TO, and it means gw bakalan dapet duit jajan. Hehehehe. Lumayanlan. Nothing to lose.

Oh iya, tadi Bu Tjandra sama Bu Nia ngajakin body rafting di Sukabumi (sama beberapa guru "muda" yang lainnya). Kemungkinan sih bulan Mei. Asiikk, kalo yang ngajak guru2 pasti dibolehin nih sama Ibu-Bapak. Mudah2an aja nanti jadi. Another praynya sih semoga perginya pas gw punya duit. Hehehe. AMIN.
Btw, sekarang gw lagi webcaman ngeliatin pacar ngerjain tugas. Hihihi. Kasian, tugasnya banyak. Dosennya kejam. Pelajarannya bikin pusing. Baru sebulan kuliah, udah kurusan aja. Ckckck.
Maaf ya sayang, aku nggak bisa bantu apa2. Cuma bisa kasih semangat. Kerja keras kamu akan terbayar kok nanti. I'll wait you here, my prince. \(^o^)/
 Oke deh. I think I'll end this post. Pegel. Sampe nanti ya, friends! :-D **widyakilaz**

March 1, 2012

Kamu. Selalu kamu.

Aku suka kamu.
Aku sayang kamu.
Aku cinta kamu.
Aku kangen kamu.
Aku mau jadi pendamping kamu.
Aku mau jadi tulang rusuk kamu.
Aku mau hidup sama kamu.
Aku mau kamu di hidup aku.
Aku mau kamu.
Selalu kamu.


February 25, 2012

Morning's Skype

Lately, we are used to having a video call on Skype. It's better than just dong a phone call because we can see each other's faces. But, believe it or not, it somehow makes me miss him more and more.
This morning, I had a video call by Skype with my boyfriend. Surprisingly, we had a little talk about "wedding". Wkwkwk. What a heavy talk for someone who had just awaken from sleep. Well, it's not the wedding talk like you think it was. And it's not the point of this post for sure. I wanna share a thread on Kaskus which my boyfriend shared me this morning. It was all about what the girls venting about. I found it all almost true. Check it out.

Menanggapi thread2 tentang hati para lelaki yang menjerit atau curahan hati para lelaki. Ini curahan hati wanita2 yang kalian sayangi.
  1. Kami tau bahwa kalian menyayangi kami, kami tahu bahwa kalian lebih suka membuktikan pada kami bahwa kalian menyayangi kami dengan perbuatan daripada dengan perkataan. Tapi kami ingin sesekali kalian mengatakan "aku sayang kamu yank" saat kalian pamit akan tidur atau "aku kangen kamu yank" saat kita tidak bertemu beberapa hari. Tidak perlu tiap hari tapi paling tidak seminggu sekali, karena semakin lama kalian menjalin hubungan dengan kami, kalian makin jarang mengucap kata sayang atau rindu.
  2. Tolong datanglah tepat waktu, karena ketepatan waktu kalian itu membuktikan bahwa kalian menghargai kami, bahwa kalian tidak ingin kami suntuk menunggu kalian dengan dandanan yang sudah lengkap hingga luntur kembali karena keterlambatan kalian. Maka maklumilah kalau suasana hati kami menjadi sangat buruk karena kalian datang terlambat.
  3. Kami bisa membeli barang2 yang kami inginkan dengan uang hasil kerja kami sendiri, tapi kami ingin sesekali kalian membelikan kami barang, walaupun itu hanya sebuah jepit rambut seharga kurang dari 10ribu, tapi kalian membelikannya karena kalian mengingat kami dan ingin membuat kami bahagia, percayalah jepit rambut itu akan kami simpan sampai tidak bisa kami pakai lagi.
  4. Saat kalian sedang sedih, susah, lelah, atau karena hari yang kalian lalui tidak berlalu dengan baik, janganlah kalian menanggapi kami dengan marah2, atau memasang muka yang tidak enak, tapi duduklah di samping kami, dan sandarkanlah kepala kalian di bahu kami, tidak perlu berkata apa-apa karena sungguh kami tau bahwa kalian hanya ingin melepas lelah, dan merasa ada tempat untuk berbagi, bahwa kalian tidaklah sendirian di dunia ini, ada kami yang akan selalu mendukung dan menyayangi kalian.
  5. Tolong turunkan sedikit nada bicara kalian karena sungguh nada tinggi kalian saat marah sangat melukai kami, bentakan2 kalian membuat air mata kami mengalir begitu saja. Kami akan lebih mengerti apa yang kalian bicarakan dan inginkan jika kalian mengatakan sesuatu dengan nada suara yang lebih baik. Tolong jangan bentak kami, karena kalian akan terlihat seperti seseorang yang tidak kami kenal.
  6. Saat kami membangunkan kalian di pagi hari itu bukan karena kami ingin mengganggu kalian, tapi karena kami takut kalian datang terlambat untuk ke kampus atau untuk bekerja. Jadi tolong jangan marah2 saat kalian kami bangunkan, karena itu membuat kami sedih.
  7. Saat kami menanyakan apakah kalian sudah makan, itu juga bukan karena kami menganggap kalian anak kecil yang perlu kami ingatkan hanya untuk makan, tapi karena kami peduli pada kalian. Tak taukah kalian bahwa kami sedang sangat sibuk, dan pekerjaan kami menumpuk, tapi kami masih ingat untuk menanyakan pada kalian apakah kalian sudah makan atau belum, kami khawatir kalian terlalu sibuk bekerja hingga lupa makan.
  8. Janganlah berlagak seolah kalian tidak takut kehilangan kami hanya karena kalian gengsi, karena itu membuat kami merasa kami ini bukan apa2 dan bukan siapa2 bagi kalian, itu sangat membuat kami sedih dan terluka.
Intinya gan, 'terkadang wanita selalu mempermasalahkan hal2 kecil, dan laki-laki sering menyepelekan masalah2 kecil. Wanita menganggap jalan pikiran pria itu aneh, dan pria menganggap jalan pikiran wanita terlalu rumit" Pertengkaran2 atau kesalah pahaman selalu ada, karena kita memang diciptakan dengan jalan pikiran yang berbeda. Saling menghargai, mengalah, dan jangan menggunakan gengsi pada orang yang kalian sayangi. Komunikasi yang baik dan berkualitas adalah hal yang SANGAT penting....
That's it. What do you think?  **widyakilaz**

February 21, 2012

About School

Well, hello friends! Whats up? I have wanted to make a good post for so long, but I dont know how I always end up writing something "shallow" again and again. I am sorry for disappointing you, but I have always tried to do my best. Just like the other days, I want to tell you about my days at school.
Yeah, I told you. I have been busy recently teaching in SMAN 48 Jakarta. I teach year 11 science students. Honestly, I haven't felt very comfortable teaching them, not like teaching my previous year 12 science students. But dont worry, things are getting better and better. I love teaching. I am sure I will get along with my new students soon.

Somehow, I feel tired teaching them. Why? Because I have to carry out 20 hours meeting in three days! On tuesday and wednesday, I have to teach four classes, and on friday I have to teach three classes, NONSTOP. I always pray to God that I never teach in my initial period of time, it will be really painful!

Among students, teachers, and staffs at school, I can say that I am quite popular, hihihi. It's true, I'm not lying. However, I think there are some teachers and students who do not like me. I can accept that. I dont care, I just let it flow. We cannot ask everyone to like us, right? That's how there is black and white, bad and good, hate and love. for sure, I just wanna be a nice person.

Let's leave school. Let's talk about my little business. Actually it's getting better. The sales turnover increases week by week. And so far, rain is the only obstacle. I am dreaming of having a boutique someday. A name has been turning inside my mind. Silly, right? Hihihi. How about Moko Chic Boutique? I took Moko as the abbreviation of "Mobil Toko". Why Moko is because I firstly started my business using my mom's car--si Mumun (if you're following my blog posts, you will have known about Mumun).

Well, maybe having a boutique is still a dream for me. But I am sure that I will be able to have it someday. Okay, I think I will end my post today. I'll see you around! :-) **widyakilaz**

February 11, 2012

A Brand New Day

Finally, I've got a "job". Not different from the previous job, but I am happy to make myself busy. Yep! I teach in SMA 48 Jakarta (again) substituting an English teacher (again). Hihihi. Ms Erna is going to give birth, so, during her maternity leave, I teach her class. Besides, I take Ka Rany's, one of LCC staff, offer to become a private teacher. Being happy, being busy, making money. I'm in LCC right now. My student, Ira, is already here, so I think I have to end my story here. **widyakilaz**

February 9, 2012

Crossword Puzzle

Maybe this is unusual for other couple, but for me and my boyfriend, playing crossword puzzle is fun and challenging. We even bought the book! Hehehe. "Anti Pikun & Anti Stress" is what's written on the cover, but in fact sometimes it's stressing. Hahaha.

February 8, 2012

Picture of Today

This isn't goodbye. You go to get back for me. I'll wait here. I'm looking forward to that day.

Holiday is over. You finally have to go back out of town to do what you have to do. Three weeks, not short but not long enough for me to see you. I'm gonna miss you more. Take care my dear sleepyhead. It's just about the time to make what we dream of come true. I'll wait here. I'm gonna hold on for us. Promise that you hold on too. (˘⌣˘)ε˘`)

January 17, 2012

A 38,5°C Post

I caught a fever. I'm sick. I hate sick. I hate to make my boyfriend worried. I'm writing this post with a thermometer under my armpit. This is it--38,5°C. I feel so sick. Gratefully, I had an idea to call my boyfriend and asked him to bring me some soup--capcay. He came, and took care of me. Didn't want to lose an opportunity, I asked him to spoon-feed me. Hehehe. Then I slept in the living room with him beside me until my mom came home. Thank you, Uda! Now, I'm going to go to the doctor. My fever doesn't get better. I need a medicine. Pray for me, okay? :-) **widyakilaz**

January 12, 2012

At least I have something to focus on...

While everyone has started their lives, I'm still here doing nothing. Not literally nothing, but people keep saying that. Yeah, I'm still jobless. Reason? Haha. Because I am not too eager to find one--again, that what people keep saying. I don't fully agree, yeah of course I am eager to find a job. Umm, I just a little bit picky about the schools. I am sure I will get a job soon.

And I am not doing nothing. At least I have something to focus on. I have much progress in running my little business. I have a settled place and a tent now so I am no longer worried about the security tax charged by some particular organizations and the weather. This stuff is in line with my resolutions, so I can't do this carelessly. I hope someday this business will grow bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger than now. Amen. **widyakilaz**


Six more days, Uda will come home. I can't wait for that. I miss him so much! No one can imagine how it feels. Maybe it's just me and him (and them who walk on a long-distance relationship) who know how it feels. More than four months, what a record for me! I couldn't stand not meeting him for more than a week before. But now, I try to accept the reality that I can't meet him everyday anymore. It's hard, but I can do it, right? Maybe it's what is called sacrifice. And, how about belief? I think we can say that too. It's the belief that makes us believe that someday we can be together, however now we're far apart. And it's love that makes us strong and warm and comfortable, that makes us take care of each other's heart from being uneasy. I can't believe you're coming home, sleepyhead! :-*

January 11, 2012

You're Coming Home

Seven more days, and I can touch you. I can't wait for the day. I miss you so much. I wish I could skip tomorrow's thursday, friday, saturday, sunday, monday, tuesday, and be straight on wednesday. The day when I can touch you, hold you, hug you, kiss you, be with you. When there's no distance between us--literally. **widyakilaz**

January 8, 2012

A Story of Virgo and Libra Waving a White Flag (Again)

Hello, blogwalkers! Hehe. I want to tell about something. This morning, I "talked" with Septi, the ex-girlfriend of my ex-boyfriend--the one I told you in the previous post several months ago, remember? Well, there was a misunderstanding between me and her for quite a long time. This made me feel uneasy, a little bit uncomfortable actually. After explaining and regaining some explanation, finally it's gone. We're cool, and I'm very happy. **widyakilaz**

January 2, 2012


It's new year, finally. Two thousand and twelve, the number mentioned a lot years before because of the doom's day issue. Me? I don't really believe in the gossip, but I believe it as the more challenging year than before. Well, just like the other people, I just wanna be better and live a better life. I had all my resolutions done last years, and I hope my resolutions this year will be better than done.
  1. Get a job. Be an inspiring teacher.
  2. Expand my 'little' business. Be more serious and innovative in running it.
  3. Build my insight. Backpack to another country.
  4. Have a new look for my room. Design it the way I like.
Yeah! That's what has been written, but not a boundaries of getting bigger achievement. Dreams will definitely come true, only as long as we make efforts on it. For me, dreams will guide me to know what to do and how to reach it.

By the way, it's not only me who makes new year resolution. Hihihi... My MP also get me to make  a new year resolution for us. He said that in 2012, we will not have a fight. Yup! I don't want to have a fight too, my dear Sleepyhead. It's very exhausting, you know? :-)

Just to share, last week I have a quite exciting holiday. For a week, I had a Java trip to Jogjakarta, Solo, and Semarang. I visited Malioboro, Tawangmangu, and Lawang Sewu. Not only the three places actually, but it needs so much time to mention all of the places--Kraton Jogja, Prambanan, Taman KB, Mesjid Agung Jawa Tengah, and many more. For the first time, I ate rabbit sate  and tahu gimbal. It's really delicious! Srluupp...

Prambanan Temple, Central Java, Indonesia
Gerojogan Sewu Waterfall, Tawangmangu, Central Java, Indonesia
Lawang Sewu, Central Java, Indonesia
Well, to avoid you of being jealous, I think I'll end my story here. Hihihi. See you! Don't forget to have good days and a good life from now on, fellas!! Hug and kiss. **widyakilaz**

My Birthday

Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers

Me and My Boyfriend

Daisypath Anniversary tickers